Thursday, February 23, 2006

still here...

Just a post to say I'm still here. I'm about a week behind, in Psalms, but I'm haning in there, and glad I'm doing it. Hoping to catch up in the next week or so, at least a little!


At 2/24/2006 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, great!!!

It seems that Lorna is the only one on schedule anymore - and she even did the extra reading with the apokrypha (or however you spell it...). But then again, she is like that *grin*

I managed to finally finish up the psalms two nights ago - phew - and yesterday reading the proverbs was surprisingly fluent. I didn't get to the end, anyway, so I'm still about three days behind.

But hanging in there, anyway :D

And.... the truth is: Nobody will shoot anyone of us if we don't finish this in 90 days - not even if it takes the whole year :D


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