Thursday, April 06, 2006


Well, I just finished Romans last night and it is DEFINATELY one of the books I will go back and read more slowly. Actually, in the fall I may be joining a Bible Study Fellowship and they will be spending an entire year studying the letter of Paul to the Romans. Even though I have read it before, I realize it is just packed with stuff. Everything from predestination to kosher food.

So, I am 8 days from completing the bible cover to cover. (I started 11 days behind ya'll! LOL) I hope you won't mind that I continue to post about it! I am amazed that a. I am going to finish during Holy Week, b. I am finishing it at all and c. I am actually going to finish it in 89 days. (God willing, of course.)

Back to reading!



At 4/07/2006 3:30 AM, Blogger eija said...

We have been studying the Romans in our prayer-Bible-evenings at church for months now. Just that I haven't been able to go there so often...

And you, hang in there, to the very end! :)

At 4/07/2006 5:01 PM, Blogger see-through faith said...

It's all good. :)


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