Saturday, February 25, 2006


blogged here yesterday but it's gone AWOL

I've been on holiday.
Forgot my reading plan, so simply picked up the Bible each day for two 30 mins sessions.

Guess what I'm slightly ahead of target. (grin)

I loved the psalms, and want to go back and take them and Proverbs more slowly
and Isaiah is WONDERFUL - food for my soul.

be blessed all of you :)

Edited to add. I didn't have the RC bible with me so wisdom and Sirach are unread. I'll come back to those later. Maybe between OT and NT - or if in Tallinn then, (with only NIV) I'll take them ever later.


At 2/28/2006 5:06 PM, Blogger Rachel Nguyen said...

I am in Isaiah too! And yes, food for the soul. Food for the soul.


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