Saturday, January 21, 2006

Torah / Pentateuch

I finished this last night!

AND then spent about an hour with Andreas talking about the books of Moses. Fabulous. He isn't doing this reading programme but also eager to read scripture here. I'm using his laptop now and he's lying on his bunk bed - reading Joshua now.

I LOVED Deuteronomy - a recounting of the whole story through Moses - mostly God's persepctive and through his own eyes too.

My favourite verse? Deut 1: 31b
and I'd never noticed that my favourite Jeremiah verse is actually found in Deut 4:29

excited ? you bet!

off to the promised land today with Joshua, but first I blog.

do pray for the homeless in this part of he world. here in Estonia today it's MINUS 28 C
be blessed


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