Saturday, January 07, 2006

This may well be all you hear from me...

as I am utterly brilliant at starting projects, and even better at not finishing them!*
Despite being a life-long Christian, and now in my second year of full-time ordained ministry in the Church of England, I have NEVER read the Bible from cover to cover. Of course, as a priest I am committed to saying the Daily Office, so cover a large proportion of Scripture reflectively in the course of a year, but this is something quite different.Being at the "liberal catholic" end of the spectrum, my faith has tended always to rest more on Sacraments than Word,-though as an English graduate words are to some extent my stock in trade, and I read everything else non- stop, including the cornflakes packet. However, when talking to friends from the evangelical tradition, I rather envy what I perceive as their relationship with the Bible, so anything that helps me to become more at home with the whole canon has got to be a Good Thing.
I arrived via RevGalBlogPals, a ring I've been part of since its inception last summer. Grateful thanks to Steph for providing the impetus for this, even if I fail dismally to complete the course..I blog over at Good in Parts, where there is far more about me, my life and my faith than anyone honestly wants to know.

For those of you who know the Belbin tests, my "completer/finisher" score is into negative numbers....


At 1/07/2006 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathryn I LOVE your honesty. And I'm glad you are here!

At 1/08/2006 1:49 PM, Blogger Steph Youstra said...

You and me both! (the non-finishing, I mean!)


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